
Vim over emacs
Vim over emacs

Vim is in just about every distribution of Linux and BSD. If you’re going to end up in a *nix or BSD environment, which as dev you probably will at some point, then a basic understanding of Vim is good. I second all votes for VS Code, if you “just want to get things done” and are more comfortable in a GUI. You should be willing to spend extra time learning vim/emacs and get annoyed often because getting anything done takes ages… until you get it :~) And I was already familiar with using the hjkl keys as movement keys, add another month or so if you are not. It took me about two months until I felt as productive as before, and another week to feel vastly limited by conventional arrow-keys text editing. Vim (and Emacs) have a learning curve similar to a brick wall.

vim over emacs

Vim’s scripting language is arguable not great, but it’s easier to understand what is going on in your. However, if you want to use emacs you should at least be able to read lisp, which is not an easy task for the uninitiated. I’ve heard of people who have migrated to emacs because of evil mode. It’s a monster and it even has an Evil Mode, which supposedly feels like vim. I’ve barely used emacs, but people jokingly call it an operating system :~). Set listchars=eol:$,tab:>-,trail.I recommend starting with vim because it concentrates on being a fantastic text editor. " characters for displaying non-printable characters Set background=dark " dark background for consoleĬolorscheme solarized " set color scheme, must be installed before use but don't indent case labels and access modifiers Set showmatch " highlight matching bracesįiletype plugin on " load the plugins for specific file typesįiletype indent on " automatically indent code. Set ignorecase " do case insensitive search. Set nojoinspaces " no extra space after '.' when joining lines Set backspace=indent,eol,start " backspacing over everything in insert mode Set shiftwidth=8 " set indentation depth to 8 columns Set softtabstop=8 " backspacing over 8 spaces like over tabs Set tabstop=8 " set tabulator length to 8 columns Set textwidth=80 " wrap lines automatically at 80th column

vim over emacs

Set ruler " show the cursor position all the time Set confirm " confirm :q in case of unsaved changes

vim over emacs

Set nobackup " do not keep the backup~ file Set fileencoding=utf-8 " encoding used when saving file Set encoding=utf-8 " encoding used for displaying file Set nocompatible " Vim mode instead of pure Vi Here is my ~/.vimrc: " Configuration file for Vi Improved, save as ~/.vimrc to use. Unfortunately, most of them are still beyond my current knowledge of Emacs configuration. I know that my ~/.vimrc contains quite a lot of settings, but I have already figured out how transform some of them, and I am also aware that some of the settings don't really need to be transformed.

vim over emacs

I include my ~/.vimrc with all settings commented in this post. In other words: I want to transform my ~/.vimrc configuration file into the equivalent ~/.emacs configuration file. To do so, I need to reproduce in Emacs all the functionality of Vim that I worked out over years of using it. I have been using Vim for years and now I want to switch to Emacs for various reasons that are out of scope of this post. I need to setup Emacs editor by preparing the ~/.emacs configuration file.

Vim over emacs